Home / Diseases of the skin / Herpes on lips treatment, causes and pictures

Herpes on lips treatment, causes and pictures

Viral skin disease herpes of the first type, is a disease that is overwhelming number of inhabitants of the planet. Some studies even cite a figure of 95%!

Such a fantastic scale destruction due to the fact that the herpes virus getting into our bodies stays with us for life. Still medicine was unable to counter the cold sore cure that can completely destroy it.

I think everybody has noticed that the rash of herpes labialis occur at least 5 times during the year, with exacerbation, that is, the more frequent lesions observed in winter and autumn. This is the time of colds and a particularly active along with herpes they gave us the "gay" life.

However, one should not look for the relationship between disease herpes on the lips and temperature change, the causal relationship lies in the reduction of immune protection. So a provoking factor symptoms of herpes on the lips there may be stress, excessive alcohol consumption, hypothermia, even overeating!

Basically herpes of the first type is localized on the lips, however you can find cases when the virus is in the mouth and on the gums. Even rarer, but still common, herpes on the cheeks, neck and forehead.

Stage of development of the disease

The only option that can prevent the development of rash and its rebirth in ulcers with itching and pain, is the timely prevention of herpes labialis. That is, all its manifestations must be put out in the Bud at the first signs of occurrence.

Consider the stage of development of herpes on the lips:

  • First there is a sensation of itching and tingling on the lips. Sometimes it can be scratched even the entire face — it's like herpes;
  • Then on his lips formed a small blister, filled with a colorless liquid (see photo). Plus all this accompanied by pain. The bubble grows, the liquid becomes turbid hue;
  • On the penultimate stage, the eruption of a blister. It bursts, the fluid flows, is formed sore;
  • Forms a scab and then crust. The crust is not recommended to touch, to give her the opportunity to get off the skin yourself.

How to treat herpes?

As soon as we have manifested the first signs of herpes you need to instantly react and apply a topical treatment. This may be the based ointment acyclovir. It is very important to prevent the development of the disease, because it is not just aesthetically unpleasant, but also very, very contagious!

justify;">If by treatment we experience itching at the site where localized herpes on lips — you can try to knock him one pill of aspirin or paracetamol.

If we decided to start treatment of herpes labialis with delay, and the skin is already visible sores, you first have to step up hygiene measures. You should refuse contact with inflammation, and I certainly don't need to deal with the removal of crust from the surface of the cold sores.

Treating herpes on lips, ointment should be applied clean, freshly washed hands, and the perfect way is to use special hygienic sticks for applying ointment to the skin surface.

Despite the fact that during exacerbation of herpes considerably spoils the appearance of the lips, should not hide it under layers of cosmetics, it may only compound the treatment problem as a whole and the cause of accession even some skin infections, such as it is best to use a lip balm will moisturize the lips, the skin should not remain dry during eruptions, plus moisturizing will help to quickly deal with rashes.

This period must be respected and all possible precautions and careful personal hygiene. Needless to say that herpes kissing, to put it mildly, completely eliminated? The same applies to the use of the same utensils, glasses, Cutlery and crockery items. During the symptoms of herpes will need to use strictly individual dishes.

From the diet will have to exclude salty and sour, these products will irritate the herpes and amplify pain.

In the case of activation of the herpes in the summer, under the sunlight, you can use a special lipstick which was designed to protect lips from UV exposure.

Myths about folk methods of treatment

A reasonable question arises, how to deal with various people's recipes? Skeptical! Most of the proposals have absolutely no basis.

Another thing, infusions of chamomile, which can be ingested and wipe the skin. Tincture is taken three times a day, and the damaged area is wetted. Most importantly after the procedure do not forget to put in the mouth area lip balm.

Copes with the prevention of herpes at the very beginning of the process of essential oil from the leaves of lemon balm. Oil is to lubricate carefully place defeat every 2-3 hours a day.

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