Home / Diseases of the skin / Oily skin: face care, masks and creams, reviews

Oily skin: face care, masks and creams, reviews

Oily skin has its advantages, we will not say what is the condition of the skin entirely disappointing. However, owners of such skin still want smooth skin.

In principle, the problem of oily skin lies in the structure of the individual layer of the epidermis. That is, it initially presents a thick layer and strengthen the work of the sebaceous glands. This combination leads to the fact that we have oily skin.

Here it is necessary to note that the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands occurs

Care for oily skin involves the use of cosmetics for this type of skin. The fact that in special funds a lot of water and light texture with virtually no fat.

In order to normalize the condition of oily skin, peels are recommended not more often than twice a week and scrub that is used should not contain crushed bones.

Moisturizing oily skin

Oily skin can be easily recognized as one of the main cosmetic problems for women living in the big city today.

For oily skin you need to pick up moisture, which will be able to:

  • To remove dirt from the skin.
  • To level the pH balance of the skin.
  • To provide lightweight protection for the epidermis.

An excellent option for moisturizing oily skin can be a hydrogel. This means absolutely no fat, and contributes to the quality of the penetration into the skin, hydrating it and nourishing.

In addition, we note that oily skin must be protected from exposure to direct sunlight, so choosing a cream for the skin need to pay attention to the content of special light filters.