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Psoriasis is transmitted, contagious or not?

Most of the townsfolk, noticing signs of psoriasis in humans, will immediately classify them as contagious, and try to avoid any contact. Rumors that psoriasis is contagious excite the imagination!

However, it is necessary to turn to medicine, and she long ago gave a clear answer to the question, is there any chance of Contracting psoriasis. Psoriasis is not true for the infectious diseases wing, so to catch them is impossible.

The problem the psoriasis that in addition to professionals, nobody can really distinguish between an infectious disease and a manifestation of the internal problems with organs that actually provoke psoriasis rash.

Psoriasis is not transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one. And this applies to absolutely any type of contact, from handshakes, and finishing sexual intercourse.

It is important to determine that if in one family, several people fell ill with psoriasis, it is not talking about the fact that they were infected, but only about the fact that psoriasis has a hereditary background of their origin.

Can you talk about heredity?

The question most often asked by parents who have the disease is already diagnosed and they are worried for the health of the unborn child. Most likely, the answer will be positive, as the overwhelming majority of experts notes that psoriasis has genetic roots and is inherited.

It can be argued that the development of the disease is directly related to the factors of heredity. According to numerous studies, in patients with psoriasis in 4 times more frequently identified cases of illness in the family. If the disease occurs in both parents, then with probability close to 80%, it can be argued that the child will get psoriasis.

The closest relative to create a change at the cellular level in the tissues of the skin, which at the genetic level, inherited, transmitted to the next generation.

It is important to look for a disease when it appears, not only among parents but also among the grandparents, the manifestation of the disease shouldn't happen in a straight line. While psoriasis can be dormant over the years and generally show no signs.

There are documented instances of illness in a child, however, for a long time, psoriasis was detected in the parents, and had no data on the illness among the older generations. And after some time the psoriasis appeared in the parents. This again indicates the presence of disease in the hereditary line, but does not mean it is mandatoryactivation.

Interesting data on the manifestation of psoriasis in indirect relatives, cousins and second cousins. More than 60% of psoriasis manifested during life.

One theory psoriasis suggests that the virus alters the cell at the genetic level, and by inheritance is not transmitted psoriasis, a genetically modified cell, which then causes changes in metabolism. As a result the manifestation on the skin of psoriasis.

In addition to hereditary, the doctors adhere to another theory explaining the occurrence of psoriasis. On the theoretical findings, psoriasis is a direct result of the disturbances of lipid and enzyme metabolism in the body. Plus connecting amino acid metabolism.

It is also noted the influence of streptococcal infection and reproduction of viruses. And all of these factors are predisposing for the development of psoriasis.

How dangerous is psoriasis

Most people believe that psoriasis is in almost no danger to health, in addition to an unpleasant appearance. However, this error, suffice it to say that psoriasis can lead to death.

The problem is that psoriasis should be viewed not so much as skin disease, psoriasis is a systemic disease. It affects the internal organs, and symptoms such as itching and redness of the skin, it is only the primary signs of the disease.

The main danger of psoriasis is not to damage the skin and spreading throughout the body.

It is therefore recommended to treat the first symptoms and do not start the psoriasis, because if we reach the stage of psoriatic arthritis, for example, treatment is difficult, and medications will cause a lot of side effects.

Complications of the disease

The first symptom that may indicate the beginning of arthritis, may be the defeat of nail plates. The appearance of the nail changes appear oily spots.

In addition to arthritis, in psoriasis, you can get a complication of diseases of the eye in the first place is conjunctivitis.

Often on a background of psoriasis develop problems with the bladder, gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen. It is possible to diagnose systemic violations in the activities of the CNS. The beginning of pain in the chest, muscle weakness, destruction of the heart muscle.

Therefore, although you cannot get psoriasis, its symptomsyou need to know to prevent disease progression.