Home / Diseases of the skin / Corn on the heel - how to treat calluses on your heels

Corn on the heel - how to treat calluses on your heels

Mankind has accumulated extensive experience in addressing water corn, and it can be internal corn on the heel. This files most often suggest lotions from available funds, and certainly at night. The right decision, but to begin to wash his feet. Hot water to wash can not soar. The water should be slightly warm. After all, you need to prevent additional irritation! In any house there is always something suitable.

Valid to use:

  • flowers, for example, aloe,
  • fruits, for example figs,
  • the crust of a lemon with pulp.
  • You can use medical facilities of the home kit: band-AIDS, sterile bandages.

The selected drug must be cut to drain the healing juice and attach the adhesive tape and then wrap with a bandage. The tool will work on the corn for at least two hours. So at this time it is not recommended to walk.

Army legend has it that the wet corn from the tibia go down by the morning if in the evening a paste of soap tied to the affected area. Amazing, but it works!

If there is ointment, and even better a patch of water blisters, when applied to a wound, the tool will immediately begin to dry the corn and at the same time will serve as a lubricant against further rubbing. Wet corn does not contain water. There are lymph – internal medic person. It fights infections, eventually defeats them and the bubble disappears. But it lasts long, and people need to go to work, to the store, in other cases. Water, wet the corn will interfere. Have her pierced.

This can be done yourself, but only gently and only with a sterile instrument. For the operation you should pick up a sharp needle and wipe it clean with alcohol. When there is no alcohol suitable open fire, is also a kind of tool which needs to be heated up the tip. The needle must be placed parallel to the body to the lymph from the hole itself washed up on the heel and not slip off.

The shot! Lymph flowed. When it stops flowing, you should stick a band-aid and answer, how to get rid of calluses on your heels, Dan!

When the burst blister on the heel

It also happens that the man wasn't quick enough to get home or to work, a water blister on my heel has snapped, and the foot in the Shoe! Not a problem, then it is recommended to use your clean handkerchief and a small bottle of drinking water.

You need to sit on a bench to remove shoes, which are all rubbed, soak in water edge of the handkerchief and RUB the corn on the heel and the lymph on the heel. Then wrap a dry part of the handkerchief foot, wear shoes.

And here's what not to do when busted blisters on your heels, so that to touch them with unwashed hand to make dirty or plantain leaf. In any case, you cannot process corn Cologne. It will be veryit hurts to walk, and no good.

How to treat a blister on the heel ointment

The pharmacy will offer several types of disinfecting ointments:

  • levomekol,
  • streptocida ointment
  • salicylic ointment,
  • cooperatively.

The instructions are basically the same – apply the ointment to blisters on heels and wrap. However, for reliability they should be read. The adhesive is designed not to accelerate the healing of blisters and for protection from friction when walking. But there are healing patches, for example, the patch", Compid".

It is securely glued to the toes, isolates from germs and the outside of the well slides, that is not rubbing inside the Shoe. The body itself to cope with a water corn for 5 days. Maybe faster, if less sore spot loading.

Blisters in children

Children also suffer from water blisters that need to be removed if the adults will not notice that the shoes are wrong. The child can hardly cope with this sore. All the techniques discussed for an adult is also suitable for a child.

This is just a small and yet dependent. Can be applied cut aloe leaf, lemon, chopped plantain flower to the corn and tie a bandage. Use ointment if there are no restrictions on the age of the child and it can be treated.

Dry corn. Types

There is often dry and the corn on the heel. This is a natural reaction of the body on overload from inappropriate footwear, which demonstrates the photo.

Corn prevents easy to walk, although sometimes it helps to cushioned insole in the Shoe. But the best corn cure. It is important that the dry corn come directly dry (corns) and core.

A corns is a thickening of the skin on the sole of the foot. It's dead thickened skin, may be harmful to the body is not. But to go interfere. Rod corn looks like a small area of rough skin that is visibly over the rest of the foot. In the middle is the spine going deep into the body. This corn is noticeable bothers to go. Corn can be treated.

Rod corn on the heel

Want to cure a callus so quickly. It does not, however, to quickly remove all forms of callosities.

But slow and steady will succeed. And she's never coming back. There is an opinion that the core of the corn occurs when under the skin hits a foreign object. Skin cells begin to intensely divide and grow in volume.

According to another version there is some kind of virus that causes skin cells to divide and multiply. It is more important to deal with this corn with fewer losses. The easiest way was steaming corn in hot water and thin dangerous blade to cut it to the ground. However, it just does not mean good. For some time this procedure enough, butthen the corn was again grown, but still in a larger size, which proves the photo.

Today is known both folk and medical methods of dealing with corns.

Rod corn. Deleting devices

Devices to remove corn different in principle. The patient does not see the process, but it is important to be in pocket and not bring pain. The patient laid on the couch and then there are specialists.


Rod corn – pretty solid education on the foot and treat it to have difficult. So it can be drilled out. A device similar to the dental handpiece, the doctor drills out the corn kernel. Healthy cells while it does not hurt, but done a hole makes the antiviral drug, as well be treated very seriously and choose the right shoes and change when worn. Protect your feet your feet!

But if trouble happened, you must immediately begin treatment. and I want to know how to cure a blister quickly.First, you need to make a foot bath in hot water, add soda, liquid soap or mustard powder. Will help the sea salt. To take bath is necessary so that the skin raspalas. Then RUB your heels with a pumice stone. Finally, apply the ointment from dry corn.

Instead of ointments, you can use vegetable or olive oil.

Alternatively, you can make bath salt and soap. But the water must be cold. Hot will burn the skin.

Other people's recipes

To wipe a raw potato, onion and aloe in equal volumes to a pulp. This mixture applied to the corn. After a day off. The skin of the corn will soften and its peeled. Cleansed skin to lubricate the foot cream.

  • The leaves of celandine apply to corn and as in the previous case, treating the foot.
  • To steam the leg. From lemon to cut the tip and tie it to the heel. Over night the corn will soften and its need to scrape and spread with cream.
  • Longer, but still reliable way is to take a bread crumb and wet it with warm vinegar. Attach it to the toes with adhesive. And you can wrap in cellophane and bandage. The procedure to do 88 days.
  • Instead of breadcrumbs you can use tomato and act as a bread crumb.