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Hemorrhagic rash: pictures of rashes

Hemorrhagic rash occurs due to rupture of capillaries, in which some red blood cells begins to emerge from the vessels. If you palpate rash, the disease does not manifest itself, however, in the case of the development of the inflammatory process, there will be disease experience. If you put pressure on the affected area with your finger, it its color won't change and will not disappear. This feature becomes the distinctive feature of a haemorrhagic rash.

Depending on the underlying cause of skin lesions of hemorrhagic rashes will be different forms of its manifestation. It may be small sized dots, stripes or spots, which come in various colors, e.g. blue, red, lilac or purple.

If the size of the spots is large enough, then in medicine they are called ecchymosis (purple), and if the lesion is small, it is called petechia. As a rule, hemorrhagic rash occurs on the lower extremities, however, this arrangement does not allow to establish the final diagnosis.

Why there is hemorrhagic rash?

Such problems can be caused by various reasons. Such include:

  • heredity;
  • infectious diseases;
  • the administration of steroid drugs;
  • the use of hormones;
  • pathology of blood vessels.

Cases of rash such a plan on the skin in the elderly due to age. In addition, medicine known cases where the disease affects children up to the age of 6 years, which clearly demonstrates the presence of a child diseases of blood vessels or hemorrhagic vasculitis.

If a person is showing signs haemorrhagic rash, it is a direct indicator of the urgent need to seek medical care and treated in hospital.

There are also quite serious factors causing the disease. Among these can be called hemophilia a and disease von Willebrand. In the first case, there will be serious bleeding in the event of injury and bruising under the skin, as in the photo.

Hemophilia is a purely male disease, which is inherited. In the second case, hemorrhagic rash, caused by too brittle capillaries.

Other, less common causes of the rash include: Wegener's granulomatosis, amyloidosis, thrombocytopenic purpura. If you have been identified these diseases, in such cases it is urgent to begin treatment of the patient, because the symptoms can cause irreversible consequences. If you change the color of the spots in the direction of yellow and brown, there is a probability of hemosiderosis of the skin.

For hemorrhagic rashes may still result in some infectious conditions: meningitis, scarlet fever, bitesticks.

Principles of treatment of the disease

The bulk of the human disease in its symptoms can give skin rashes. Itself rash on the skin, on the body and legs can not represent to the body of any dangers, because it is not the root cause.

At the first signs of spots on the lower extremities it is necessary to call the ambulance. If the child's foot was struck by hemorrhagic rash, even before the ambulance should be mandatory to ensure his complete immobility and bed rest.

What is maculopapular rash?

Under maculopapular rashes should understand the emergence of a sufficiently dense papules. In your they reach a diameter of centimeters. The rash may be bodily or even dark purple color, and shape to resemble small tubercles, as in the photo.

Similar Maculopapular rash may be accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes and the parotid gland. Such a plan rashes have a lot in common with other varieties of dermatitis. Therefore, without a full examination of the body and taking the required tests it will be impossible to make an accurate diagnosis.

Main conditions of development of the disease

The reasons for the appearance of maculopapular rash on the most cases include:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • adenoviruses;
  • infectious monoculus;
  • enteroviruses;
  • infectious erythema;
  • ekstreme.

Much less likely to cause disease can:

  • infection bacterial toxins;
  • staph;
  • Streptococcus;
  • allergic to drugs and in particular antibiotics.

It is extremely important at the beginning of the manifestations of the disease to determine whether the rash is a result of the disease or not.

Treatment of maculopapular rash

The whole process of treatment will depend entirely on the identification of the primary disease. This might require a different therapeutic procedures such as blood transfusions or radiation with ultraviolet light, as well as pain medication.

What is maculopapular rash?

Maculopapular rash may be the main symptom of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. As soon as the course of the disease, so immediately on the skin is a rash, it shows on the photo.

Usually, stains can damage skin on the arms, legs, torso, face practically not observed, as seen in the photo. As for time frames, it is such a plan, the rash can occur from a few hours to a couple days – it will all depend on the individual characteristics of each individual organism.

Often this disease can be accompanied with measles. In this case, all arisen papules begin to unite in the uniform red cloth,affects the main area of the skin. Less common prerequisites for the emergence of the rash medicine include:

  • rubella;
  • scarlet fever;
  • mononucleosis;
  • syphilis;
  • intestinal yersiniosis;
  • enterovirus exanthema;
  • sudden rash,
  • allergic dermatitis.

How is the treatment?

Getting rid of the disease occurs in conjunction with major illness, which provoked maculopapular rash, similar to atypical dermatitis. That is why it is important to establish the correct diagnosis as early as possible.

The special forms of manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis include disease Wissler-Fanconi. For specified illness characterized by fever and a polymorphic rash on the skin of the body, hands and legs. In addition, the disease is a rash on the face and keep they can to several months. With regard to intensity, it depends on the nature of the underlying disease. In many cases, enlarged lymph nodes, it can be seen even in the photo, liver and spleen.

Rosolino-erythematous rash

Skin rashes such a plan often occur with rheumatism in its acute form. For rosolino-erythematous lesions characteristic lesions on the skin of the whole body but the most affected are hands and feet.

The rash may not provoke itching, including on the legs, as seen in the photo. For rheumatism, in addition to skin rash, characterized by such symptoms:

  • abdominal pain;
  • fatigue;
  • fever;
  • arthralgia;
  • rheumatic attack.

The patient must be prepared for the fact that the treatment will take a lot of time. In addition, the illness involves severe and permanent bed rest to avoid additional load on the heart.

Getting rid of the disease on the legs and on the body is quite large doses of salicylates, particularly aspirin, and even antibiotics. The result is a positive outcome of arthritis on the ground releaese-erythematous rash may remain untreated scars.