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Treatment of skin fungus: pictures and symptoms of the disease

Fungus on the skin today becomes one of the most common diseases faced by dermatologists every day. Nearly half of all skin diseases with which the patients were treated in medical institutions refers to fungal infections.

Thus, fungal diseases are on a solid second place among the skin pathologies, yielding first place to the diseases of a pustular nature.

Infectious fungi settling on the skin, adds a lot of trouble their medium – spoil the appearance because of the emergence of all kinds:

  • growths,
  • pigmentation of the skin,
  • the formation of crusts,
  • pits and boils.

In this infectious disease brings unpleasant and painful sensations, accompanied by constant itching, burning and discomfort.

Fungal infection is so widely spread is not accidental. The reason for this was the constant migration of people from one region to another, environmental degradation in many areas due to industrial development, increasing the number of socially disadvantaged segments of the population.

The result is a powerful imbalance between human needs and real-life conditions.

Medical factors the formation of skin fungus

With regard to medical factors, then primarily plays the role of the lack of awareness about need of observance of rules of hygiene and the role of fungal diseases in human life.

Often people do not pay attention to the first signs of the fungal disease, assuming the disease is not serious. Fungi can easily infect those who have problems with cardiovascular, endocrine and immune system.

Often doctors themselves are under the influence of advertising I recommend regular use of antifungal drugs which if too long use shape adaptation of the organism to the formation of fungus, resulting to combat fungal diseases becomes difficult.

Including today it became fashionable to constantly use antibacterial cosmetic and hygienic products, which lead to the violation of the biological balance of the skin.

Today science revealed more than half a million of various fungi, among which the most dangerous to the human body of about five hundred species.

On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries, there are no more than a hundred infectious fungi, which cause various diseases in nails, skin and hair. Most common infectious agents are:

  • yeast,
  • mildew,
  • dermatomyces.

Most of all types of fungus activity is exhibited by dermatophytes, which are calledfungi Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. Disease because of the activity of the yeast or mould fungi occur in only five percent of cases. very informative information, depending on the age, people have different perceptions of the occurrence of the disease. In some cases, the body may be immune to the cure of fungi or the infection becomes chronic.

Including infection can adversely affect a person's appearance, lead to capacity, depression or deteriorating mental condition of the person.

Causes of fungus on skin

Infection of the skin fungal infection occurs as a result of contact with the patient, use common things, objects or premises, where they could be infected with the fungus.

Mikrochastitsy, is eliminated from the surface of the affected skin, can stay on clothing, shoes and other items. In particular, the probability of infecting in baths, saunas, showers, gyms, tanning salons.

Therefore, visiting such public places, you should always be prepared for the fact that there might be infected with the fungus man, and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

To be infected by a fungus, not everyone can. To the ingress of fungus in the human body, it is necessary that infected mikrochastitsy had close contact with healthy skin. Thus, the fungus can easily be transmitted through wet and sweaty skin.

For this reason, once the fungus penetrated the human skin, occurs three periods of development of fungal infection – incubation period, the growth of the fungus and its disappearance. However, when the skin fungus infection does not develop in all cases.

A person can live for months and years, not knowing that his body is a fungus. Thus, the occurrence of fungal disease is possible in the event of a sharp weakening of the body and lower immunity due to disease or nervous exhaustion.

Due to the fact that people are not aware of the existence of the fungus, it can spread easily among the people around him. Most often, the fungus occurs on the toenails or feet.

Fungal infection can spread for several reasons:

  • Not following the rules of personal hygiene. You should regularly wash your feet and dry thoroughly between the toes. It is important to monitor the condition of nails and hands.
  • Hands and feet often are sweating, which is an excellent environment for the formation of fungal infection.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin on the hands leads to the formation of microcrack on the skin, especially on the folds between the toes. Through them, the fungus penetrates easily in the human body.
  • Including similarly provoke the formation of the fungaldisease multiple puncture wounds and scrapes on the skin.
  • Vitamin deficiency and exhaustion of an organism leads to activity of fungi.
  • Disorders of the immune system contribute to the weakening of the body and as a result, the appearance of fungal diseases.

Signs of fungal diseases of the skin

Mycotic infection can appear on the skin, depending on the type of fungus.

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor can be identified by the formation on the surface of the skin of various spots of pink and brown shade to lightly peel. Inflammation and itching of the skin does not present.

The spots can expand and merge with each other, forming large foci. Spread of tumors can on the back, sides and chest, more about it can read the Affected by the fungus the skin is covered with tiny scales, especially in the area of the folds.

As a result, the skin forms a kind of dash of white. Pain and itching are lacking. Obrazujas on the feet, fungus of the skin can gradually move on to the nails. Including infection can occur in reverse order – from the nails of the foot. Rubromikoz affects all of the nail plate, regardless of the location of the fingers, the Formed spots have the shape of a ring or circle. Around the lesions formed by the elevation and sometimes the bubbles.

Often fungal infection of the groin area caused by the formation of fungal disease on the feet or hands that spreads to other areas of the skin. Symptoms of occurrence of fungal infections in the groin area can be attributed to the formation of itching and burning, which is worse when sweating. If not treated, the disease, the fungus can spread and the disease will become chronic.